Chapter 4: Eggster!

Hello Simmers! I've got good news! Actually, I've got double good news. First up is that MCCC didn't catch any more exceptions and no save was corrupted. The second best thing is that I got Seasons! Now we can experience holidays, which I'm excited about.
I'm starting in Spring, and I wanna add Eggster. The things we do to complete the holiday are 'Hunt for eggs', 'See Flower Bunny' and 'Give Flowers'. 

Last time, Gavin got promoted, we got some collectables, the MySim trophies, got some good money, and Joselyn got pregnant! So why don't we continue where we left off?...

So I just loaded in and the first thing I see is Joselyn picking strawberries next to a roller rink. Remember that I bulldozed Magnolia Park? Yeah, that's probably why that's here. I can 't get rid of it, so I'll just leave it. 

I have Gavin practice programming, and- whoops! Time for work! 

Look at that baby bump! It's so cute!

Joselyn's making grilled cheese! Uh, Joselyn, why did you just acquire the cooking skill? Well, nevermind.

Y'know, there's three dining chairs in the 'dining room'.

Joselyn: I get heartburn when I sit on those. Gimme a break.

Joselyn, what are you doing?

Joselyn: Playing in the rain.
Me: Inside?
Joselyn: Watcher Brynn, do you not understand the joy of playing in the rain without getting wet?
Me: No. I'm canceling the action.

Well, I finally got you on the computer. I'm going to be thinking of baby names. You be good.

When Winterfest comes around there'll be no room for a tree. Dang.

Joselyn: We could make the house bigger...
Me: No.
Joselyn: If it were me, I'd already have a big house.
Me: Nothing's up to you.
Joselyn: Maybe we should start now!
Me: I've seen videos where people let their Sims do whatever they please all human day. All the Sims ended up dead.
Joselyn: ...

Hopefully when the child is born we'll have money for renos. I want to be able to put a winterfest tree in the house.

I broke down. Here are the reno pictures. I'll probably move the computers, though. The only difference is the space behind the dining chairs.

Is that a baby bump? MCCC, tell me the juicy details. Mhm. Mhm. Her spouse is Wyatt Fonseca. She's in her second trimester, and it's a girl! Wait. Wait. Her partner for pregnancy is Titus Pickett. Does Wyatt know, Judith?! 

Anyway, I sorta kinda broke down again and scanned the pregnancy. But I'm not telling you! You'll have to wait! I gotta think of names. But knowing myself, I'll roll the randomizer until I get a name I like. 

So this is something else near our property that I can't change. But it's okay since they give me cupcakes for 10 Simoleons.

I added a couch and TV behind the dining table. It's easier to get fun up now. Yay!

It's Eggster! Time to hunt for eggs!

I totally didn't add bushes and trees just so they could hunt for more eggs.

I had Joselyn give Gavin a flower to complete one of the things to do during Eggster.

And would you look at that. Pretty eggs! I even got one rare one! My favorite is the one with the pink bunny on it.

I didn't know you could hunt for eggs in the toilet. Okay. Go do that, Gavin! Lemme check if you can do that in other places, too. You can in the Fridge, in the cabinets, the couch, the bed. Why not the trash can?

I got another rare egg! My new favorite is the yellow one with brown stripes running through it.

The Flower Bunny's here! And he gave us some flowers! Let's plant them right away!

Joselyn was so tired, I let her sleep. Poor Josie.

Joselyn: What did you just call me?
Me: You were supposed to be asleep!

I need a second bathroom.

Labor! Quick! Go to the hospital!

Fun fact: I didn't get a screenie, but Gavin was simply sleeping while his wife went to the hospital. When he got up, he was going to the hospital, but Josie had already come back.

It's a boy! Welcome to the world, Cody!

I feel evil. They're gonna immediately try for another baby.

He cries while his parents woohoo behind the wall. You guys are the best parents.

I missed the screenshot, but she's not pregnant. Try again now! P.S. Sorry for the walls that are down!

And while they were trying, I got another last exception. I'ma see if she's pregnant, and whether she is or isn't, I'm quitting and using the reader. That's the end of this part! I'm not telling you if she's pregnant or not until next part! Oh, yeah, I totally added another bathroom, you just can't see it! 


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