Chapter 3: The End Of The Beginning
Hello Simmers! When we left off last part we had just had Joselyn and Gavin become official, get engaged, and wed. Not to mention broke. I had Joselyn harvest some things, and so we got maybe a thousand Simoleons. I sold some extra things, like the mirror in the bathroom and the third chair that isn't needed. I also sold the grass in the front and the bushes on the side. Those were expensive bushes! Then I made some renovations, because at that point we had 3,500 Simoleons. Plenty. Here are the reno pictures:
I decided that even after the reno, we had plenty of money. We had 3,700 Simoleons. We earned some more money through gardening. So, now with that good amount of money where we can afford the bills, why not try...
for a baby?
First try! Just to remind you, the rules are Strict equality, meaning it has to be alternating gender, traditional, meaning the heir must be able to trace an unbroken line to the founder and their spouse, which is Joselyn and Gavin, unless none of the children have an opposite gender to the current torch holder, then adopted children can enter the legible possible heirs, and with the poll results and my friend's tie-breaker, strength, which should prove interesting. All legible possible-heirs must fight, starting at the eldest, with the winner of previous fights fighting the youngest. To get more details, go
there. So, we're gonna try until we get a boy! And if we don't get a boy, we can just adopt! But I want to have multiple boys so we can have them fight! So we may adopt one. I'm not gonna scan the pregnancy because I want it to be a surprise.
In case you can't see, his aspiration is bestselling author, his traits are bro, neat, and creative, and his bonus trait is muser.
Poor Joselyn. Looks like the pregnancy got the better of her. 😢
Despite her being pregnant, I sent her to go collect things, because that brings in the big bucks.
I wasn't paying attention to her needs so she really has to go pee now. Please make it to the toilet....
That's honestly too bad.
Gavin got promoted! Great job, Gavin! But really, you also have a great job.
So I just found this and I'm so happy. It's so cute! Now I want to collect all of them. Alright, I'll make it my side mission to collect all of those little cuties. Now how many are there?
Joselyn had another time capsule in her inventory. We got Poppy!
I sent Gavin off to collect things.
Unfortunately, at this point, I got a last exception caught by MCCC. The only other mod I have is UI cheats extension, and both MCCC and UI cheats extension are updated, to my knowledge. I used a last exception reader but it said unknown issue, so I'm going to be playing with another unimportant save to see if it will pop up again or corrupt my save. I hope you enjoyed it, and if nothing goes wrong with the unimportant save file, I will be playing with Joselyn and Gavin soon.
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