Chapter 4: Toddler and Pregnant?

Welcome back, Simmers! Before I launch into what happened last post, I'd like to let you know that there was a giant thunderstorm last night, and it's still going on a bit, so if I seem really unfocused or tired that's probably why. On to the story!

Hello Simmers! Last time I got Seasons, found out Judith Ward  Fonseca is pregnant with a girl, Eggster happened, and baby Cody was welcomed into the world!

So, looks like I planned Eggster the day before love day!

You break it, you fix it, Josie. In your PJ's.

The rejected it twice now! Once this is done, they better not reject it again.

Which one do you guys think is worse in the Sims, baby or toddler? Leave a comment below.

Whatever, Josie, just go back to bed.

I just took care of you, Cody! (Sorry for the bad lighting)

Cody. Your mom is tired, hungry, bored. I just took care of you. Please no.

Also, does it make me a bad person if I enjoy the sound of baby Sims crying and they can't get taken away because the problem is their social or wet diaper?

I decided to have Josie nap and eat and take care of Cody and then harvest things. Go make us money!

Yes, enjoy it. Soon you will be pregnant again.

Look! Chef Gino!

Yeah, do whatever researching plants does.

Tehee. I'm a monster. They just had Cody two days ago.

First try! And no, I will (try) not to scan the pregnancy. What if it's twins. O_O Also, if the baby isn't a boy, I'll adopt a boy. I want at least two boys, and having to go through pregnancy is soooo annoying.

It's Cody's birthday! Not sure if that's a good thing!

Uh, I didn't know this was an achievement, and who was fine? Josie wan't, she was happy because of her pregnancy. Is it Gavin? Hm.

I promised I rolled. And I hit the jackpot. If you can't see, he rolled independant.

It's summer, and I'm thinking about changing Gavin's hot weather clothes. Socks with sandals shouldn't help with heat, Gavin...

Here's Cody's room. I think it's adorable. (Sorry for the walls down, I couldn't get the screenshot otherwise!) And, if you haven't guessed, my favorite color is blue. Hence the blue wallpaper, the blue unicorn, the blue bookshelf, the blue toddler bed, blue toy box, and the blue couch. It's not just because he's a boy. Oh, I changed Josie's and Gavin's bed to a less-cheap blue one. 😉    

No, I don't do highchairs. One parent puts them in and goes to get the food, but the kid says "Lemme down." and the parent that's not getting the food takes the kid out and the other parent that's getting the food stops the action. Or the kid justs wastes the food. Oh, and if they give them only quick meals, they grow up with that uncomfortable moodlet. Gavin, go cook a single serving of grilled cheese.

Gavin! You interrupted the action to go take a shower! Now I have to stuff you again! Ugh. 

Gavin: I had mud all over me.
Me: I don't care. Don't disrespect me!

Nevermind. Gavin's lucky that interrupting the action I gave him doesn't count as eating the stuff in a row. Or else I would've done it again, made him do all the repairing, cleaning, taking care of Cody, gardening...

That's right. Gavin now has the hidden grilled cheese aspiration!

And I'll leave off there. I haven't scanned the pregnancy yet, so I don't know how many children, or which gender the child(ren) will be. Why don't you guess? And I am going to start a bachelor challenge, and I still need two more Sims! And yes, I still want people to tell me which you think is worse in the comments, babies or toddlers?


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