Chapter 1: Joselyn Abrams
Hello! I'm Watcher Brynn. Welcome to my Legacy challenge! This is my first blog post so if it seems boring, I apologize! I'm just getting started.
This is Joselyn Abrams, my founder for this series. In case you can't see, her aspiration is successful lineage. Her traits are good, family-oriented, and cheerful. Her bonus trait is domestic.
This is her in her everyday outfit. You can find her in the gallery under the origin ID brynnasaurous.
Without further ado, let's step into the game!
I built this house for my founder. It's actually cheap. It's under 15 K. That won't matter, though, I'm setting my money to virtually nothing. It's not much, but let's take a tour.
Right to your left is a mini kitchen. If I'm desperate for money the first thing that's going is those cabinets. They're ridiculously expensive. Otherwise I got the cheapest appliances and trash can. I got a fire alarm, just in case.
On the right is a 'dining' space. Not very interesting.
Behind the blinds is a single, cheap bed. Better than nothing, am I right? Right?
And, I'm no monster. There's a bathroom to the left of the 'bedroom'. At least that has some privacy. When we have the funds I'll make a proper bedroom. Promise. Maybe.
Joselyn is now in the freelancer writing career! I just noticed, though, we need a computer. Dang. Well, before I set money to zero Imma buy her a computer and desk and stuff.
And here's the setup! We'll have to see if it works, I've never used this desk with a computer before.
Well, it didn't. So this our setup now. Now I can set our money to zero, and we can start playing for real! Joselyn's going to work on her career and get some money while I brainstorm some single men. I know there's Johnny Zest, but I did him on my newest save and to do him twice is boring. I checked my Sims's whims and it said things like 'buy a dishwasher' and 'buy a TV'. Joselyn, I don't quite know how to tell you this.
Joselyn: Well, once I get married, I'll have money right?
Me: Joselyn...
Joselyn: What?
Me: You know how I destined your life? Well, according to what I planned, any and all of the money your spouse brings in will be taken away.
Joselyn: Couldn't I have a different Watcher?
Me: No.
I still need to think of single men, so- WAIT Don is running outside our home. Go get 'em, Joselyn!
And we may have our day booked!
Could all the old people stop walking through us though? That's rude. I mean, why are you looking at your phone in the middle of us? Come on!
Vivian Lewis: I’m just continuously walking in circles, what’s wrong with that, voice?
Me: My name is Watcher Brynn, and I can destroy your life!
Vivian Lewis: Sure, little voice.
Guess I have someone to torture in my next save.
While I was dealing with those people, Don just ran off. Thanks, Don. You weren't helpful at all. Looks like we gotta find someone else. I don't even know if Don is single. Hrm.
Urm, Vivian, what IS that face?
I headed over to the Roomie's (Or BFF I don't remember) house. I saw this guy, and met him. So far, seems nice. Let's see his traits. I never cared about this guy, but maybe he'll be Joselyn's future. He's a bro and creative? That's good! So, I also just noticed that one of Joselyn's speech bubbles had the image that's always next to the woohoo and try for baby option. That's not what I chose for you to say.
Joselyn: So what, Watcher?
Me: You're going too fast.
Joselyn: Is it a crime if I'm already in love?
So, I forgot Joselyn's clickbait article is due tomorrow. We need to go home Joselyn.
Joselyn: But I wasn't done!
Me: Too bad. You have to work on your article.
Don! What're you doing?! You're rich enough to buy your own computer! Get out!
I finally got Don out, and Joselyn working on her article when Gavin (the dude we were talking to earlier) came and knocked on our door! They can't get enough, can they. 😂 Well, he's not coming in until Joselyn finishes her article.
Then this dude comes along and knocks on our door. GO AWAY!!!
Well, that ends this part. I hope you enjoyed reading! I will update again sometime this week! I need to find a schedule and stick to it.
Sorry for the miscommunication, Joselyn's aspiration is successful lineage. Disregard what the image says. Also, I've got a poll running on the Sims Forums for how to pick an heir. Please evite! I am SimmerOfAges on there as well.